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Emergency Procedures

Earthquake response and evacuation procedures

1. During an earthquake, remain calm.

  • If inside – stay inside and take cover under desks or in doorways, cover your head with your arms or adopt the "turtle position"
  • Keep away from windows or objects that could fall
  • If outside – stay outside and take shelter clear of buildings, trees, power lines or anything that could fall on you.

2. When the earthquake stops, remain inside and return to your previous activities unless:

  • The fire alarms are ringing,
  • there has been a loss of electricity,
  • electrical fittings and/or other building materials and/or furniture has fallen.

If any of the above has occurred, evacuate the building and go to one of these designated assembly points:

Christchurch - City Campus:
  • Madras Street car park
  • Barbadoes Street car park
  • The grassed area between U Block and St Asaph Street.
Christchurch - Woolston Campus:
  • Outside the Student Services Building (Ensors Road side)
Timaru Campus:
  • Across the street from A block
  • Field out from G block
Ashburton Campus:
  • Across the road corner of Alford Forest Road and Cross Street
Oamaru Campus:
  • Grassed area in front of the sign off France Street

Staff are to ensure that any individual with compromised mobility remains accompanied in a safe location, and that Facilities Management is advised immediately so the individual can be safely removed from the building.

3. Information notices will be erected at the designated earthquake assembly points to provide advice

These will advise as to whether:

I. To resume business as usual and re-enter buildings or

II. The campus is closing in which case all students and non-critical staff must leave the effected campuses immediately

The decision to close campuses will be made by the CEO or delegate in conjunction with the Health and Safety Manager and will be conveyed to each assembly point.
In the event that communications with other campuses are not possible, Dennis Taylor or his delegate will make this decision concerning Sullivan Ave campus and Vikki Roadley concerning the southern campuses.

4. For those building occupants who have not evacuated, check the web site or Facebook where messages will be posted once a decision has been made to advise whether it is business as usual or if the campus in question is closed.

5. Should an event occur outside normal office hours, which necessitates the evacuation of a building, occupants of that building should not re-enter, but consider that building closed for the remainder of that day.

Fire response and evacuation procedures

Raising the fire alarm

If you discover a fire please activate a manual call point situated in building exit ways. Call 111 and advise details followed by a call to an Ara security number found on our contact page for onsite assistance. Only attempt to put out a fire if it is safe to do so.

When the alarm rings
  • Evacuate the building by the nearest emergency exit. This will be clearly marked Fire Exit.
  • Follow the fire exit direction indicators which are in conspicuous places throughout the building.
  • Walk calmly.
  • Keep out of elevators - move quickly down the stairwells
  • Leave, do not return for personal belongings from any part of the building.
  • Assemble in the predetermined assembly area as noted on the displayed emergency notices. Stay out of the building until you are given the all clear to re-enter.
  • Leave lights on.
  • Close windows and doors if safe to do so.
  • Turn off any potentially dangerous processes or machinery if applicable.
Fire safety

When you are working or studying in an area please familiarise yourself with:

  • The nearest fire alarm, the position of fire extinguishers and hose reels in the building.
  • Have a close look at the equipment and familiarise yourself with how to use it.
  • Keep all exit ways clear at all times.
  • Ensure that smoke stop doors are kept closed and never wedged open.
  • Follow the fire warden's instructions (will be wearing a high-vis arm band).
  • Report to the building warden for any hazards the Emergency Services may face, such as dangerous goods or chemicals.