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An update on future operating structure for Ara | Te Pūkenga

20 September, 2023

Gus Gilmore, Pourangi Ako | Deputy Chief Executive Ako Delivery, provides update for ākonga on future operating structure of Te Pūkenga

Kia ora,

I wrote to you in June to let you know we were consulting with our kaimahi (staff) on the future operating structure of Te Pūkenga. I want to update you on what has happened since then and to reassure you of our commitment to you as our valued learner.

What’s happened since you last heard from us

Today we presented our confirmed structure to our kaimahi and will be implementing it over coming months.

The new structure is designed to enable us to serve all ākonga (learners) wherever you live in New Zealand – providing access to standardised national qualifications that better match industry needs and give you the ability to move more easily between different regions and between on-campus, online and on-the-job delivery.

We want to make sure that the vocational education and training we offer meets the changing needs of learners and employers now and in the future. We want to deliver better outcomes for you, so you can upskill, earn while you learn and attain your qualifications and training with less debt. We are also committed to providing better learner support for those who were not served well in the past, including Māori, Pacific, and disabled learners.

What it means for you

We will be implementing this transition in phases to ensure day-to-day delivery continues as usual. We don’t anticipate any significant disruption but please do let us know through your tutor, training advisor or employer, if there’s anything we can do better during our transition.

We believe in the power of vocational education to improve the lives of learners and their whānau (families), to support thriving communities and regions, and indeed the country.

We look forward to continuing to support you through your own vocational education journey.

Ngā mihi nui  

Gus Gilmore
Pourangi Ako | Deputy Chief Executive Ako Delivery
Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology